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ShopPay: What, why and how?

James Davey • Mar 20, 2024

Everything you need to know about Shopify’s universal payment option 

ShopPay, also known as Shopify Pay, is Shopify’s own payment option that has been rolled out across all Shopify eCommerce stores since 2021. Different to Shopify payments, Shop Pay is a convenient payment system geared towards driving repeat sales through a much smoother and accelerated check out experience.

Below, we will guide you through exactly what Shop Pay is, how it works and benefits of using Shop Pay as a merchant:

What is it, in a nutshell?

a person is holding a cell phone in their hand .

Shop Pay is a payment solution helping Shopify stores handle payments with a quick and easy check out experience for consumers. The Shop Pay payment button allows customers to save details such as card information and shipping addresses for a faster shopping experience next time they shop, helping merchants drive repeat purchases with their customers. 

How does it work?

To allow your customers to use Shop Pay, all you need to do is simply activate it as an additional payment method within your settings. For a customer all they need to do is select the Shopify branded button on your checkout page and proceed to enter their shipping and billing information. Your customer will then be given the option to save their details, ensuring that they can use a one-click authorization on future purchases; no details required. 

This is a completely secure process, which requires your customer to enter a verification code sent to their chosen mobile device to confirm their purchase. 


Who can use Shop Pay?

Shop Pay is accessible to all Shopify merchants and is included in all Shopify payment plans. It’s a simple ‘switch on’ within your stores check out settings. You can even create your own channel listing on the Shop Pay app to increase your stores visibility.  

a man is talking to a woman at a counter in a store .

Benefits of Shop Pay


Merchants using the Shopify platform will be no stranger to the eCommerce giant's commitment to security and Shop Pay is no exception. It doesn’t matter if you use a third-party payment system or a single merchant account as Shopify supports everything from PCI compliant servers to secure drop-shipping, including local pick up and other delivery options. Your customers can also rest assure that their data is safe, with all billing and shipping information being stored on Shopify’s PCI ready servers. 

Carbon offsetting

One of the coolest features of Shop Pay is the systems commitment to the environment through its carbon offsetting scheme; allowing the business to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions in order to compensate for emissions made from other processes such as transport. To do this, Shopify use their own committed carriers in order to calculate their delivery emissions, offsetting these emissions by planting and protecting new trees. The scheme has so far been a massive success with 6000 tons of carbon emissions already being offset from the protection of nearly 7 million trees. 

Conclusion- Is Shop Pay right for your business?


If you are a merchant already using the Shopify platform, Shop Pay is a no brainer. 

If you're looking to optimise your check out experience for your customers without having to use a developer, this is a great way to help you drive repeat sales with the click of a button, as well as gaining visibility as a Shopify merchant on the Shop Pay app. 

Convert more customers online

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting up, looking for a refresh or wanting to scale, we can help with all aspects of your brand.

Our eCommerce Excellence Programme is perfectly crafted to accelerate your business online and provide long-term success using tailored strategy, marketing, design and development. 

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